
Why cancer research should focus on patients

Dr Azra Raza, Professor of Medicine at Columbia University in New York, international authority on leukaemia, and Science Adviser to Safer Medicines Trust, has written a remarkable and highly recommended new book published in October 2019: The First Cell: And the human costs of pursuing cancer to the last

In amongst highly moving stories of her patients, including her own husband, Dr Raza explains why the global cancer research effort should make two major changes of direction:

1) to focus on prevention and early detection, to find the first malignant cell instead of attacking late-stage disease; and

2) to focus research exclusively on humans and their tissues, rather than on mice, rats and other futile animal models.

To that end, she has founded the First Cell Center, to study her tissue repository of more than 60,000 samples collected from her patients over the past 35 years.

Many articles and interviews are available from This video: Early Footprint and this news article: Here’s why we’re losing the war on cancer, according to this doctor are a great place to start, along with this powerful and moving 13-minute TEDx Talk from 2014.

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