Your address Date
Dear Dr ___________, I write to enclose some information that I hope will be of interest to you. It has been produced by an organisation which I strongly support and, as you can see, it concerns the thorny issue of animal testing but purely from the perspective of patient safety. In co-operation with a cross-party group of MPs, they have launched a parliamentary initiative to improve the safety of medicines – something with which I’m sure you are equally concerned. I hope you will agree that this is an important initiative and would like to lend it your support. If so, please send the enclosed postcard to your MP or, if you prefer, write a brief letter to your MP. I’m sure your postcard/letter will carry more weight if you add your position/qualification to your signature. 170 MPs (please update as appropriate) have already added their support, showing a very high level of parliamentary concern over this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Safer Medicines Campaign for any further information. Many thanks for your time and attention. Best wishes / Yours sincerely,
PS I also enclose a statement with which Safer Medicines Campaign is amassing support from medical professionals – they would be delighted if you would like to sign it. Please print the statement from here in colour or contact us for a copy. Please include our A3 information sheet and postcard, also available from us – thank you. |